Meadowbrook Way Apartments
Meadowbrook Way includes 28 units of elderly and family public housing in 8 low rise occupied buildings in need of envelope updates. Existing roof, siding, and doors were all deteriorating and showing signs of failure, and in need of replacement. A LEAN audit showed air infiltration, heat loss, and a lack of attic insulation. Most water heaters also needed to be replaced. Funded by DHCD and a Comprehensive Sustainability Initiative (CSI) grant, the goal was to achieve the maximum energy conservation and emission reductions possible within the defined budget. Destructive testing, site visits, analysis and cost estimating resulted in cost optimal improvements to the building enclosure and DHW, including new siding, roofing, drainage plane, air sealing, extra attic insulation, new doors, and high efficiency condensing hot water heaters. The project was publicly bid under Chapter 149 in 2020 and completed in 2022.
Location: Carver, Massachusetts
Services: Multifamily Architecture
Owner/Manager: Carver Housing Authority
Design Basics:
Units: 28
Buildings: 8 low-rise
Project Team:
Architecture: ZED