Habitat Passive Townhouses
Columbia County Habitat for Humanity constructed two affordable townhouses in Hudson, New York, aligned with the Passive House standard. The Habitat Passive Townhouses are the first Habitat townhouses in New York to utilize the Passive House Standard which results in an estimated 90% less energy for heating.
Envelope. Columbia County Habitat for Humanity has constructed two affordable townhouses in Hudson, New York, targeting the Passive House standard. The air-tight, super insulated homes feature 12" R-43 cellulose double stud walls and an R-87 roof, together with an R-56 foundation slab using 12" of EPS foam, and U-0.15 highly-insulative, triple-paned windows.
Systems. The heating and hot water are provided by a high efficiency natural gas condensing boiler, and ventilation by an 84% efficient HRV.
12" Double stud with cellulose
24" Cellulose
U Value 0.15, SHGC 0.45
Cellulose and EPS foam
R-42 walls
R-56 slab
R-87 roof
Air-source heat pump
Heat Recovery Ventilator
Hot Water
Electric resistance tank
Location: Hudson, New York
Energy Consulting
Design Basics:
Building Type: Duplex
Treated Floor Area: 3,250 SF
Climate Zone: 5
Solar Orientation: NE/NW axis
pEUI: 8.3kBtu/sf/yr
Air Leakage: 0.6ACH50
Heat Demand: 3.80 kBTU/(ft2yr)
Air Tightness: 0.60 ACH50 (target)
Primary Energy: 36.2 kBTU/(ft2yr)
Cooling Demand: 1.05 kBTU/(ft2yr)
Heat Load: 3.80 BTU/(ft2hr)
Cooling Load: 2.47 BTU/(ft2hr)
Project Team:
Architect: Dennis Wedlick Architect
Passive House Consultant & Mechanical Consultant: ZED
Client: Passive House ConsultantMechanical Designer
Client: Columbia County Habitat for Humanity
Pre-Certification & Field Verification: Levy Partnership
Funding and Development:
New York State Affordable Housing Corporation
The City of Hudson
Hudson Development Corporation
Passive House Consultant & Mechanical