Lincoln Farmhouse

ZED's Lincoln Net Positive Farmhouse Featured in Houzz

Houzz’s new article on sustainability solutions from across the world showcases ZeroEnergy Design’s Lincoln Net Positive Farmhouse - a modern home that utilizes energy-efficient techniques to produce more energy than it consumes while blending into the rich, cultural landscape of Lincoln, Massachusetts.

With a super-insulated building envelope, high-performance triple-pane windows, thoughtfully designed mechanical systems, and high-efficiency appliances, the all-electric Lincoln Net Positive Home consumes 70% less energy than a similar house built to code. An air source heat pump and an energy recovery ventilator ensure optimal thermal comfort and fresh, clean air throughout the year while a 13.1 kW array of solar panels produces 67% more energy than its annual consumption. The article and complete case study are linked below.


Architect Stephanie Horowitz to Present Net Positive Project at BSA COTE Event

Stephanie Horowitz AIA, Managing Director at ZeroEnergy Design, will present a net positive LEED Platinum certified project case study at a BSA COTE event on Wednesday June 19, 2019.

WHERE: Boston Society of Architects
BSA Space, 290 Congress Street, Boston, MA
WHEN: June 19, 2019, 6pm - 8pm
COST: Free & Open to the Public

Stephanie recently completed a term on the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Committee of the Environment (COTE) Advisory Group. COTE serves nationwide as the community and voice of AIA architects on sustainable design and aims to advance, disseminate, and advocate design practices that integrate built and natural systems and enhance both the design quality and environmental performance of the built environment.

Mark Doughty, President of Thoughtforms Corporation, was the contractor and collaborated on the project. Mark will co-present the case study to the COTE audience.

Two LU/HSW AIA credits are available.


Lincoln Net Positive Farmhouse Featured in Inhabitat

Top green architecture and home design website, Inhabitat, recently published a story on ZED’s Lincoln net positive farmhouse in Lincoln, Massachusetts. Designed and built in collaboration with Thoughtforms Corporation, this 2,800 sq. ft. modern farmhouse was inspired by the traditional farmhouses found in that area and proves that families can lead healthy, low-carbon lifestyles without compromising on style, space or comfort.

While flexible and spacious open-concept living areas provide plenty of space for the family to live, work, play and entertain, a high-performance design ensures low energy consumption and superior thermal comfort throughout the year. In addition to the 13.1 kW array of solar roof panels that produce more energy than required, the home also features plenty of other green amenities such as high-efficiency appliances, root cellar, and planning for rainwater catchment.

The Lincoln Net Positive project has won several awards, including a BSA Award for Sustainable Design and Gold PRISM awards for Best Net Zero Passive House and Best Energy Efficient Project.


ZED's Net Positive Farmhouse featured in Houzz Earth Day Tour

Popular online architecture and interior design website, Houzz’s tour of seven low-carbon, energy-efficient homes in celebration of Earth Day 2019 features ZeroEnergy Design’s Net Positive Farmhouse in Lincoln, Massachusetts.

With plenty of functional and flexible family-friendly spaces to live, work, play and entertain, a guest suite on the first floor for comfortable aging-in-place, planned rainwater catchment, high-efficiency appliances, root cellar, and edible plantings, this modern home proves that families do not have to compromise on style, space or comfort to live in a healthy, energy-efficient home.

A super-tight building envelope and a well-designed mechanical system ensure that this all-electric home uses 70% less energy than comparable code-built homes, while photovoltaic panels on the roof produce more energy than needed, making it net positive.

ZED and Thoughtforms Corporation designed and built this home in collaboration. The LEED Platinum project won a Sustainable Design Award from the Boston Society of Architects at the 8th annual BSA Design Awards Gala in January 2019. It previously won a Gold PRISM award for Best Net Zero/Passive House and Best Energy-Smart Home from Fine Homebuilding magazine.


Prioritizing Building Envelope Resilience

475 Building Supply, ZED, and Thoughtforms collaborated on an extensive technical article with construction photos about the Lincoln Net Positive Farmhouse.

For more insight and in-progress construction photos read the article on the 475 Blog.


Lincoln Net Positive Farmhouse Tour


ZeroEnergy Design and Thoughtforms are hosting a tour of the Lincoln Net Positive Farmhouse, as part of a larger Greenbuild tour of 4 high performance homes & buildings.

Join us for a green home tour and detailed presentation!

Transportation facilitated by Greenbuild.

DATE:  Monday, November 6 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

PRICE: $100 for full day tour (until 11/3) includes 4 projects, transportation, lunch.

REGISTRATION:  Choose 'REGISTER NOW' and then choose 'Attendee'


PRICING:  Look for the 'SPECIAL EVENTS' section for pricing.