Architect Stephanie Horowitz to Present Net Positive Project at BSA COTE Event

Stephanie Horowitz AIA, Managing Director at ZeroEnergy Design, will present a net positive LEED Platinum certified project case study at a BSA COTE event on Wednesday June 19, 2019.

WHERE: Boston Society of Architects
BSA Space, 290 Congress Street, Boston, MA
WHEN: June 19, 2019, 6pm - 8pm
COST: Free & Open to the Public

Stephanie recently completed a term on the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Committee of the Environment (COTE) Advisory Group. COTE serves nationwide as the community and voice of AIA architects on sustainable design and aims to advance, disseminate, and advocate design practices that integrate built and natural systems and enhance both the design quality and environmental performance of the built environment.

Mark Doughty, President of Thoughtforms Corporation, was the contractor and collaborated on the project. Mark will co-present the case study to the COTE audience.

Two LU/HSW AIA credits are available.