AIA architect

Now Practice Now

Turf—Where do we work? How do we work?

Today's urban challenges are reshaping the scale, specialization and composition of design practice. Overlapping boundaries and transdisciplinary thinking is needed to address the contemporary urban condition. Where—and how—do firms, teams and individuals practice design today? Why is this important to the future of practice?

June 14 | 6-8PM | BSA Space, 290 Congress Street, Suite 200, Boston


Framing the topic
Christine Dunn AIA
principal, Sasaki

David Gamble AIA
principal, Gamble Associates

Mark Doughty
general manager, Thoughtforms

Shauna Gillies-Smith ASLA
founding principal, GROUND

Stephanie Horowitz AIA
managing director, ZeroEnergy Design

Daniel St. Clair
managing director, Spaulding & Slye Investments

Carole Wedge FAIA
president, Shepley Bulfinch

Town hall discussion
All are invited to participate.

About the Now Practice Now Series

Equity. Inclusion. Design. Technology. Environment. Resources. Innovation.

Architecture practice now faces significant challenges. Changes in technology, production, and collaboration are altering traditional modes of working. The Now Practice Now workshops explore the means and methods of transforming practice. The series is for those who now practice.

Jay Wickersham FAIA, 2018 BSA president, and the Now Practice Now committee invite you to join us for three candid discussions. Together we'll create a framework for the Now Practice Now Summit in Fall 2018.              

Have your say: @BSAAIA #NOWPRACTICE.

Stephanie Horowitz Moderates AIA New England Passive House Panel

At the up-coming AIA New England 2016 Regional Conference, ZeroEnergy Design's Stephanie Horowitz will be moderating the panel:  PASSIVE HOUSE AND MAINE - How did a small rural state become a national design leader in energy efficiency?

The workshop panel will focus explore architects and builders in Maine as early adopters of the German energy efficiency standard, and their holistic architecture that raises technical performance to the same level as aesthetic design.


ARCHITECT 50 List + 6th for Sustainability Nationwide

Architect magazine named ZeroEnergy Design on the ARCHITECT 50 list!
ZED also placed 6th for Sustainability in the United States!

The national 2016 ARCHITECT 50 list, a list of the top architecture firms across the country, is generated annually by Architect magazine, the Journal of the American Institute of Architects.



Architects were rated and listed in separate categories, including business, sustainability, and design, plus an overall score. The rating methodology utilized a formula generated by industry experts and was paired with judging interpretations by Architect magazine editors.


Architect Stephanie Horowitz appointed to AIA Committee on the Environment Advisory Group (COTE)

Stephanie Horowitz AIA, managing director of ZeroEnergy Design, has been appointed to the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Committee on the Environment (COTE) Advisory Group.  COTE serves nationwide as the community and voice on behalf of AIA architects regarding sustainable design.

Congratulations Stephanie!