ZeroEnergy Design

ZED's Top Performance in AIA 2030 Commitment Recognized ON Rise

Rise, a leading online publication for sustainable home improvement, recently published a story on the impact of the AIA 2030 Challenge on the built environment and the continued efforts of leading firms such as ZeroEnergy Design to make their portfolios carbon neutral.

Each year, signatories of the AIA 2030 Commitment program, which supports the AIA 2030 Challenge, track and report their annual progress against energy reduction targets through energy-efficient design. In 2018, ZED reported an impressive 92.6% reduction in pEUI savings across its entire architectural portfolio, becoming one of only 16 firms nationwide to exceed the 70% target.

Full article is linked below.

MORE: AIA 2030 Challenge - A Look at Its Impact and Leading Firms


According to the newly released 2018 Summary of the AIA 2030 Commitment report, ZeroEnergy Design is one of only 16 firms nationwide to achieve 70% or greater predicted EUI savings across their entire architectural portfolio in 2018.

The AIA 2030 Commitment program supports the AIA 2030 challenge, which calls for all new construction and major renovations to be carbon neutral by the year 2030 and provides architects, engineers, and owners a global platform to demonstrate action against climate change through energy-efficient design. Every year, the 2030 signatories track and report their annual progress against increasingly aggressive energy reduction targets.

This year, ZED reported an impressive 92.6% reduction in pEUI savings across its entire architectural portfolio, achieving the targeted 70% carbon reduction for the ninth consecutive year.

The 2030 Commitment currently has 549 active signatories, out of which 252 firms submitted portfolios in 2018 on projects totaling almost three billion square feet across 92 countries. Together, these projects accounted for an overall pEUI reduction equivalent to avoiding 17.7 million tons of CO2 emissions as well as operating savings of greater than $3.3 billion over the baseline equivalent.

Click on the link below to read the new full report.


ZeroEnergy Design continues to lead AIA 2030 climate initiative

ZeroEnergy Design is one of only ten architectural firm nationwide that achieved a predicted energy use intensity (pEUI) savings of 70% across their entire design portfolio, according to the recently released summary of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) 2030 Commitment. Of the 480 firms participating in the initiative, 212 reported and only ten of those achieved the 70% goal. ZeroEnergy Design exceed the goal with an 88.7% total design portfolio reduction.

The goal of the 2030 Challenge, which began in 2010, is for all new buildings and major renovations to be carbon neutral by 2030.  One of the main targets for architecture firms is an energy consumption performance standard of 70% below average for all major renovations, developments and buildings. The other goals are reducing the fossil fuel standard by 80% in 2020, 90% in 225 and eliminating fossil fuel GHG emitting energy for all new buildings and major renovations by 2030.

Architectural firms continued efforts to reach their environmental goals. According to the report, 17.8 million metric tons of carbon savings were reported in 2017, a 6.7% increase from 2016. The carbon savings are equivalent to the entire state of Maine. In dollars and cents, this is a savings of $3.2 billion in annual operating costs.

Other notable statistics from the 2017 report:

  • The report examined 16,856 total projects, an increase of 21% from 2016. The projects came from 90 different countries.

  • Progress continues. Zero Energy and nine other firms exceeded the 70% of the pEUI savings goal and the majority of the firms are between 40% and 60%.

  • The statistics show the 2030 Commitment goals can be reached in any region or climate.

Designing and building homes that use 50% less energy than the building code requires is an absolute minimum standard at ZeroEnergy Design. We believe the 2030 commitment goals are attainable now/today and we are doing our part to make sure they are met.


PRISM Awards: 'Best Net Zero/Passive House’ and ‘Best Energy Efficient Project’

The 2016 PRISM Awards honored ZeroEnergy Design and Thoughtforms with two awards: ‘Best Net Zero/Passive House’ and ‘Best Energy Efficient Project’ for the Lincoln Farmhouse. Hosted by the Builders and Remodelers Association of Greater Boston, the PRISM Awards seek excellence in building, design, and industry related categories.

The Lincoln Farmhouse, a collaboration between Thoughtforms & ZeroEnergy Design, demonstrates that families who desire a green home do not need to compromise on style, space or comfort. With more than a year of measured occupancy to date, the home unquestionably provides exceptional energy performance, healthy indoor air quality, water efficiency, thermal comfort, and long term resilience, all within a welcoming, New England aesthetic.


Now a Certified Passive House Consultant!

ZeroEnergy Design is proud to announce that Matthew Genaze is now a Certified Passive House Consultant!

The Passive House standard represents exceptional energy performance for homes and buildings. To become a Certified Passive House Consultant (CPHC), professionals must take comprehensive online and in-class instruction, including energy modeling, hygrothermal modeling, and rigorous testing.  67% of ZED design staff are now CPHCs.

As a Project Manager & Designer at ZeroEnergy Design, Matthew regularly utilizes his Passive House skill set.  He recently completed the design of a new zero energy home in Newton, MA, and is now overseeing it's construction, as well as working on several other high performance projects.

Architect Stephanie Horowitz appointed to AIA Committee on the Environment Advisory Group (COTE)

Stephanie Horowitz AIA, managing director of ZeroEnergy Design, has been appointed to the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Committee on the Environment (COTE) Advisory Group.  COTE serves nationwide as the community and voice on behalf of AIA architects regarding sustainable design.

Congratulations Stephanie!